Thursday, December 10, 2015


 Well being Winter and it's snowing and blowing out 
there, not too much is going on. BUT my neighbor, 
Dave, is a dirt construction guy and he's always running 
into "You won't believe what I found you" moments. 
Two days ago was no exception. He shows up at my 
place with the bucket of his loader filled with Walnut 
turning blanks. Seems yet another guy around here is 
going through a nasty divorce. He had to get rid of 
everything so they can sell the house ... NOW! Another 
load followed by trailer driven by the guy's friends. 
This load wasn't as near as nice. The 1st photo is the good 
blanks. The 2nd photo is the not so good, and I'll have to 
go through it all and heat the house with a lot of this pile. 
The 3rd is two blanks that are almost 5" thick and 13" in 
diameter ... What a find. It looks like the guy took good 
care of these and will make two very nice salad bowls.

Thanks Dave!

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