Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Bank For Cruz . . . Part 2

I thought I would show you what it Looks like when
I put the other fingers in the box joint. The others had
the notches on the edges and these do not.
 One more view of the Incra Jig.
And let's have a final view. The jig has positive stops every
1/32 ( that blue strip is like saw teeth ) of an inch, 
and I can also dial in 1/1000 of an inch. 
 Above, I'm getting ready to put the slot in the top 
for Cruz' savings. There is now a 1/8" bit in the router
sticking up just a little more than 1/4".
The edge of the top rides against the fence and is stopped
by the two stop blocks that are mounted on the fence. This
allows me to put the slot right in the middle of the top.
I've just glued the sides together and when it dries, 
I'll glue the top on. See you in Part 3.


Supi said...

It is beautiful. You are having fun making this.

Dust'n Lint said...

Supi, why yes I am.