Sunday, June 30, 2013

First Show of the Year . . . Lake Tahoe

Well, here we are again at our first show of the year.
We start the season at Kings Beach (Lake Tahoe, North
Shore) every year. 

We set up the booth a little differently here because there's
a foot drop-off the last two feet in the back of our booth. We
put Sue's quilt racks across the back of the booth so we don't
lose any little old ladies to the abyss gods.
Here's the view of the lake taken 100 feet from our booth.

I'll try to post more tomorrow. Starting on the 4th of July,
we'll be on the West Shore at Homewood for a four day
show. That's on our 2013 Schedule at our web site.

* Coming very soon, a series on how I make a wooden
bank. I'm posting it so the boy it is made for can enjoy
how his bank was made. I might even try a video
version of it also.


Always On Watch said...

Very nice display, Odie!

Supi said...

Lovely Display. I'm glad to see Sue added purses.

Always On Watch said...

Last year, Sue made a purse for me to my specifications. I love it! It's my summer bag.

Supi said...

I am seriously considering having Sue make me bag due to my severe itching. Right now I test driving my new cloth bag and getting a better idea of what I need.

Always On Watch said...

HERE is the purse that Sue made for me. I sent her a photo and a description of the purse I had been carrying. That old purse was worn out!

Dust'n Lint said...

Supi, the purses are doing quite well.

Dust'n Lint said...

AOW, Thank You. We changed it last year and made it more flexible.

Dust'n Lint said...

AOW, the old "Cat Bag" doing well?

Always On Watch said...

You have a new design?

Dust'n Lint said...

Supi, Let me know if you'd like to go that way.

AOW's purse is also here on an older post.

Always On Watch said...

I love the bag that you made for me and use it all spring and summer. I get compliments on it all the time!

I kept the old bag for other kinds of toting.

Dust'n Lint said...

AOW, oh you're here ...

We reworked the whole booth. No matter what show we're doing, we can adapt the booth to fit instead of being locked into our old usual display. In the photo we're open on three sides and traffic can flow into it from different directions. It doesn't feel closed in.

Supi said...

AOW - Sue did a beautiful job on your purse.

Odie - Glad to hear Sue's purses are selling well.

That's a good idea about having it open on 3 sides. My SIL dragged me to a yarn. I mean fiber fair. There were sellers where their "area" was single file, one-way weaving through their area. It was a horrible feeling not be able to escape. I ended up petting alpacas outside the huge tent.

trailbee said...

The bank is gorgeous. And, you answered my question of where you will be next. Thanks. Now the trick is to find you, if we come up there for a day trip. Is that ok with you?

Dust'n Lint said...

Supi, watch out for those alpacas.

Dust'n Lint said...

Trailbee, if you go to the main site (upper sidebar) you can find our schedule. I'll be in Homewood from the 4th on Thursday to Sunday the 7th. You are more than welcome to visit. Homewood is about 20 miles north of South Lake Tahoe on HWY 89. The show is right on the HWY at the Homewood Ski Resort parking lot

Let me know if you're coming and I'll have Cruz's bank there.